About Us

Social Responsibility

We aim to contribute to our community andsociety. ln our own little way, we do our verybest to minimize the amount of energy used onsite as well as waste reduction programs at allour properties. Solar energy is used to lowerconsumption of electricity, refillable amenitiesare used to reduce plastic waste, andbiodegradable utensils are used for all one-timeuse products. We also locally source allproducts used in our properties to minimize ourcarbon footprint.

Furthermore, we are actively involved in ourlocal community. One of the charities involvedis Missão Sem Abrigo which is an organizationthat assists with the homeless in ourcommunity. On a monthly basis, we assist theorganization in cooking and providing meals tothe homeless in Porto. Our art exhibitions arealso done as a charity, by allowing the localtalent to exhibit their works for free. We arehere to promote the local community and tocontribute back to our city.

Health & Safety

Your health and safety is our top priority. We ensurethat all our facilities follow the strictest cleaningguidelines. Special measures have been put in placeto minimize any potential transmission of theCovid-19 in our properties. All properties have beenawarded the Clean & Safe Seal, an industry standardin Portugal and the EU. In addition, our managementhave added further measures to enhance the safety ofboth our guests and our staff members. All ourrestaurant and cafés have measures in place to ensurethat food is prepared in accordance to strict rules toensure the quality and cleanliness of the productsserved. 

We are also working closely with our vendors toensure that measures are also implemented in theirfacilities. Should you have any questions or concernsregarding our health and safety policies andguidelines, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Globally Local!

Our team of dedicated local staff haveexperience from different countries of theworld. Each team member provides theirinsights and unique talent to build a strongeroffering. We are eager to make our residentsfeel at home. We are happy to assist you withanything you need and ensure that you arewell taken care of, starting from the momentyou book with us until your departure. Ouryoung and proud team have plenty of localtips and are always delighted to assist youthroughout your stay.

Our dedicated Front Office Team will take care of anything you need during your stay. 

Our Housekeeping Team ensures that your beds and room are clean, safe, and well stocked for your every needs. Daily cleaning services are provided. 

Our F&B team is here to ensure that all your dining requests are fulfilled. From breakfast to dinner, we are happy to make you discover Portuguese gastronomy paired with good local wines. The chef showcases our culture through the flavors of our country.

Our Commitment

We are committed to ensure thesafety, security and comfort of allour guests. The team is here toprovide a unique experience for allour residents. Our goal is to offeryou a memorable, relaxing, and funtime throughout your visit to ourbeautiful city. The team willpersonalize your experience andconnect you to the hidden gems ofPorto and provide tips that will makeyour visit unforgettable.

Bringing hospitality to new heights

Welcome to your home away from home. Here atGallery Hostel & Townhouse, guests have theopportunity to connect with people of differentcultures and ages through our various activities,events and common spaces. We promote socialinteraction by creating an environment whereeveryone can share meaningful experiences of life andjourneys. Our properties allow every resident toexperience all that Portuguese hospitality has to offer,including our history, art, cuisine, and story.

Contact Us

Gallery hostel and Townhouse promotes our localheritage through art by featuring Portuguese artists inall our rooms and dorms, giving the world anopportunity to submerge in a unique culturalexperience right in the heart of Porto. 

Our properties offer a modern, stylish yet comfortableenvironment with beautifully designed rooms andarchitecture. Our team is here to ensure that you havea pleasant stay with us and will do our very best toassist you with all your travel needs and desires.




Our Vision & Mission

To provide travellers of all ages with an historic yet stylish residence, an epicurean yet authentic dining experience, a friendly yet attentive service as they embark on their journey of discovery.

Our Brand

We provide attentive & heartfelt service.

In an modern yet authentic atmosphere.

To create an unforgettable and blissful experience.

Be a part of our GH family