Gemma Marqués


October 2016

Gemma Marqués was born in Burgos, in the north of Spain. Since 2009 she lives and works  in her own Casa Taller, in la Guardia, Pontevedra,Galicia, Spain. Since she was a child she loved drawing and painting, mixing colours, and catching the essence of people and common objects.

In 2004 she gets her degree in Fine Arts, focusing on painting, at Pontevedra University.

She attended a course about Protraitism in Complutense University in Madrid where she got the top qualifications, being she the youngest pupil.

Since then, she has decided to dedicate herself professionally to painting her own creations and also she has already painted one houndred of commissioned oil portraits.

Since 2015, she also teaches Art Classes for adults at La Casa Taller.

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