Maria André


January 2016

It is with great pleasure that the Gallery Hostel welcomes over the next month and a half the artist Maria André and her current exhibition "Diversity".

Maria André, born in Valongo (Porto), attended the course in Technology, Drawing and Painting at the “Multipurpose Cooperative Artistic Education – A Árvore”. The painter also had lessons with several well-known teachers embodied in the artistic circle. The artist began operating in 1973 and has several works displayed in collections, private and official.

Exemplifying the work that the artist Maria André has been holding and exhibiting at some of the best Portuguese Art Galleries, this current exhibition is the result of a free and diverse expression, in which the artist has been presenting over time. From watercolor landscape to the most varied forms, natural and abstract visions, natural mixture of sadness and joy as well as warm and cool colors, the artist provides us with an exhibition that is characterized by its free expression, deep feelings, perfect simplicities...

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